Beschreibung Bookkeeping for Small Businesses: Simple steps to becoming a confident bookkeeper (Teach Yourself) (English Edition). Is this the right book for me?Book keeping is neither dull nor mysterious - its rules are logical and straightforward and are readily mastered by practice. Successful Bookkeeping for Small Business is a substantial yet easy to follow introduction to the principles of bookkeeping and the practical skills of recording transactions, posting the ledgers and preparing final accounts.Written by finance and accounting experts from the University of Birmingham this book: - Explains the purpose and use of books of original entry as the basis of the double-entry system. - Describes the processes of recording purchases, sales and cash transactions. - Shows how these records are used to prepare the final accounts, the manufacturing, trading and profit and loss accounts and the balance sheet to provide accurate financial statements. - Explores petty cash, depreciation, partnership, company law, business documents and the effect of changes in IT.Worked examples throughout allow you to put the theory into practice. There is also a wide range of carefully graded questions and exercises with sample answers. In short, it demystifies the art of bookkeeping and gives you the confidence you need to tackle your books.Successful Bookkeeping for Small Business includes:Chapter 1: What is book keeping?Chapter 2: Business documentsChapter 3: The business transaction, purchases and salesChapter 4: Purchase and sales transactions and ledger accountsChapter 5: Cash transactionsChapter 6: The bank reconciliationChapter 7: Petty cashChapter 8: The (general) journalChapter 9: Writing up the booksChapter 10: The trial balanceChapter 11: What is profit or loss?Chapter 12: The revenue account: the trading, profit and loss and appropriation accountsChapter 13: The balance sheetChapter 14: Adjustments in the final accountsChapter 15: DepreciationChapter 16: Clubs, societies and charities book keepingChapter 17: Information technology and book keepingChapter 18: PartnershipsChapter 19: Limited companiesChapter 20: The analysis and interpretations of accountsLearn effortlessly with a new easy-to-read page design and added features:Not got much time?One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started.Author insightsLots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the authors' many years of experience.Test yourselfTests in the book and online to keep track of your progress.Extend your knowledgeExtra online articles to give you a richer understanding of bookkeeping.Try thisInnovative exercises illustrate what you've learnt and how to use it.
Bookkeeping for Small Businesses: Simple steps to becoming ~ Bookkeeping for Small Businesses: Simple steps to becoming a confident bookkeeper - Ebook written by Andy Lymer, Nick Rowbottom. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Bookkeeping for Small Businesses: Simple steps to becoming a confident bookkeeper.
Bookkeeping for Small Businesses: Simple steps to becoming ~ Buy Bookkeeping for Small Businesses: Simple steps to becoming a confident bookkeeper (Teach Yourself) by Lymer, Andy, Rowbottom, Nick (ISBN: 9781473609143) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
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A Beginner's Tutorial to Bookkeeping - The Balance Small ~ Bookkeeping is the process of recording all financial transactions made by a business. Bookkeepers are responsible for recording, classifying, and organizing every financial transaction that is made through the course of business operations. Bookkeeping differs from accounting. The accounting process uses the books kept by the bookkeeper to prepare the end of the year accounting statements and .
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How to Bookkeep: 12 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow ~ Many small businesses make the mistake of using single-entry bookkeeping. That is, they only record transactions as movements of money to or from a single account. However, every business transaction takes place in at least two accounts, and must be recorded as such for accuracy. This is called double-entry bookkeeping. This allows you to see exactly where your money is coming from and where .
Bookkeeping For Dummies Cheat Sheet - dummies ~ Bookkeepers manage all the financial data for small companies. Accurate and complete financial bookkeeping is crucial to any business owner, as all of a company’s functions depend on the bookkeeper’s accurate recording of financial transactions. Bookkeepers are generally entrusted with keeping the Chart of Accounts, the General Ledger, and the company journals, which give details […]
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How to Prepare a Balance Sheet - The Balance Small Business ~ Small business firms must keep some cash on hand for day-to-day transactions. Business firms also need to keep cash on hand for emergencies and to take advantage of any bargains they might find in the marketplace. Line 2, accounts receivable, represents what your credit customers owe you if your firm extends credit. Since the balance sheet is like a snapshot of a firm’s financial position at .
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Bookkeeping - Wikipedia ~ Bookkeeping is the work of a bookkeeper (or book-keeper), who records the day-to-day financial transactions of a business. They usually write the daybooks (which contain records of sales, purchases, receipts, and payments), and document each financial transaction, whether cash or credit, into the correct daybook—that is, petty cash book, suppliers ledger, customer ledger, etc.—and the .
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