Beschreibung Top Dog: Impress and Influence Everyone You Meet (English Edition). Get the results you want and come out as the Top Dog in every conversationFancy being the ‘Top Dog’ in all your dealings? Fed up of feeling like the underdog? So many of us regularly ‘lose’ in conversations before we’ve even opened our mouths. Often without realising it, we don’t see ourselves as a peer of the other person. And we transmit this in what we do and say (“I’ll fit round you. I know you’re really busy.”) The other person picks up on this. And, without doing a thing, they’re suddenly in charge!Top Dog will teach you how to lead in all your interactions, so you can get more of what you want, more often.Together, Andy Bounds and Richard Ruttle are experts at helping people achieve more from their conversations with others. Their techniques work in every type of interaction—conversations, socialising, dating, interviews, sales, marketing, and networking. Basically, anytime you want to impress and persuade others.Top Dog: • Details the skill set needed to gain competitive advantage from the outset • Provides instructive and thought-provoking content, relevant to both beginners, and seasoned professionals • Contains insights from working with some of the world’s largest companies • Addresses how to achieve more from interactions in business and social arenas
Andy Bounds - ~ Bücher von Andy Bounds Sprache: Sprache: . Top Dog: Impress and Influence Everyone You Meet (English Edition) 29.01.2015. von Andy Bounds , Richard Ruttle Kindle Ausgabe. 9,88 € Audible Hörbuch. EUR 0,00 im Probemonat. Taschenbuch. 13,63 € Andere Formate: Unbekannter Einband ( 7 ) The Jelly Effect: How to Make Your Communication Stick (English Edition) 26.08.2010. von Andy Bounds .
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How to Win Friends and Influence People - YourCoach ~ Preface to Revised Edition How to Win Friends and Influence People was first published in 1937 in an edition of only five thousand copies. Neither Dale Carnegie nor the publishers, Simon and Schuster, anticipated more than this modest sale. To their amazement, the book became an overnight sensation, and edition after edition rolled off the presses to keep up with the increasing public demand .
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