Beschreibung The Innovation Expedition: A Visual Toolkit to Start Innovation (English Edition). Innovation is highly relevant to every organization. Yet, eighty percent of innovation projects never reach the market. Many have a false start. The Innovation Expedition is written to inspire you with practical tools on HOW to start innovation effectively. It gives you practical and visual tools. The remarkable stories of how great explorers overcame unexpected setbacks will inspire you. How Columbus discovered America, how Hillary reached the summit of Everest and how Neil Armstrong got to be the first man on the Moon. With 240 pages full of exploration stories, quotes, charts, cases, checklists, formats and innovation maps, ‘The Innovation Expedition’ is an inspiring visual toolkit to start innovation successfully. It’s written for innovators: managers, consultants, entrepreneurs and organization leaders.
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Other Side of Innovation: Solving the Execution Challenge ~ Most are rubbish. But The Other Side of Innovation: Solving the Execution Challenge is rather good ⊠In their new book [the authors] address two subjects that are usually given short shrift: established companies rather than start-ups and the implementation of new ideas rather than their generation.â â The Economist