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    Forex Trading: The Basics Explained in Simple Terms (Bonus System incl. videos): The Bonus System includes his personal indicators in MT4/MT5 and TradingView ... Day Trading Book 1) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Forex Trading: The Basics Explained in Simple Terms (Bonus System incl. videos): The Bonus System includes his personal indicators in MT4/MT5 and TradingView ... Day Trading Book 1) (English Edition). All three of Jim's FOREX books consistently rank as BEST SELLERS on Amazon and there is a very good reason for this. At no extra cost (or on-costs) Jim shares with his readers:His custom indicators for the MT4/MT5 MetaTrader platforms and more recently TradingView, as a download package at the end of the book. An invitation to join his free JAGfx Facebook Group with over 5,500 members (both new and experienced Forex Traders contributing) and/or Telegram Group.Daily interaction in his Facebook Group.He calls his trades live, shares his results AND records regular trade analysis videos.His contact details if you require further clarification.Jim, from Queensland Australia, is a full-time Forex Trader, currently residing in Vietnam. His knowledge of currency trading has evolved from the old fashioned manual charting when he first started in 2002, to trading on multiple screens and entering the arena of automated trading. During this time, he has developed and shared many trading systems for free, and assisted many new traders through various blogs and forum participation.This book is for those of you who are just starting to consider trading Forex but don’t know where to start, given the abundance of information on the internet. It is a good first book to read, to gain an understanding of the very basics. As an added Bonus, Jim offers one of his Trading Systems, as well as the indicators without any further cost to his readers.Check out his YouTube videos, chat with him on Facebook or in Telegram - he's an approachable guy who is passionate about trading. Jim's books in order of releaseForex Trading The Basics Explained in Simple TermsMT4/5 & TradingView High Probability Forex Trading MethodTrading Forex with Divergence on MT4/MT5 & TradingViewCheck out the Editorial Reviews and Amazon Reviews ...

    Buch Forex Trading: The Basics Explained in Simple Terms (Bonus System incl. videos): The Bonus System includes his personal indicators in MT4/MT5 and TradingView ... Day Trading Book 1) (English Edition) PDF ePub

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