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    Business Funding For Dummies (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Business Funding For Dummies (English Edition). Get the business funding you need to secure your success The issue of funding is one of the biggest pain points for small- and medium-sized businesses—and one that comes up on a daily basis. Whether you're unsure about how to go about getting a loan, unfamiliar with the different options available to you or confused as to which would be the right solution for your particular business, Business Funding For Dummies provides plain-English, down-to-earth guidance on everything you need to successfully fund your business venture. Friendly, authoritative, and with a dash of humor thrown in for fun, this hands-on guide takes the fear out of funding and walks you step-by-step through the process of ensuring your business is financially viable. From crowd funding and angels to grants and friends, families, and fools, it covers every form of funding available—and helps you hone in on and secure the ones that are right for your unique needs. Includes mini case studies, quotes, and plenty of examples Offers excerpts from interviews with financiers and entrepreneurs Topics covered include all forms of funding Covers angels in the UK and abroad If you're the owner or director of a small-to-medium-sized business looking to start an SME, but have been barking up the wrong tree, Business Funding For Dummies is the fast and easy way to get the funds you need.

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