Beschreibung Mindful Leadership For Dummies (English Edition). Want to become a more mindful leader? With Mindful Leadership For Dummies, you′ll find accessible and authoritative guidance for cultivating focus, clarity, and insight, becoming the best leader you can be. Packed full of useful tips, this friendly how–to guide will help you use mindfulness as a foundation for your leadership and reap the benefits of a more attentive working life all that reduces your risk of burnout whilst increasing your productivity. You′ll discover how mindfulness can help improve decision–making and communication skills, manage modern workday challenges, and so much more.Mindful leadership is currently a high–trending topic in the self–help/business world, making headlines in such prominent publications as Forbes, Time magazine and The Guardian, and even earning a dedicated blog on Huffington Post. And all for good reason the benefits of practicing mindfulness in the workplace are far–reaching, and as we begin to uncover more research that supports its effectiveness, it′s no wonder business leaders are devoting time and attention to cultivating mindfulness. Includes practical tips on incorporating mindfulness into your leadership style Shows you how mindfulness can help develop and deepen your leadership qualities Explains how mindfulness enhances productivity and minimizes the effects of stress in the workplace. Includes a full 6 week Workplace Mindfulness Training (WorkplaceMT) Course to help you develop mindfulness. Outlines how adding mindfulness to your leadership approach will enable you to make positive choices that support your well–being. If you′re a businessperson looking to add mindfulness to your leadership toolkit, Mindful Leadership For Dummies has everything you need to get started today.
Mindful Leadership For Dummies: : Adams, Juliet ~ Mindful Leadership For Dummies (English Edition) . Beginnen Sie mit dem Lesen von Mindful Leadership For Dummies (English Edition) auf Ihrem Kindle in weniger als einer Minute. Sie haben keinen Kindle? Hier kaufen oder eine gratis Kindle Lese-App herunterladen. Produktinformation. Taschenbuch: 336 Seiten; Verlag: For Dummies; Auflage: 1. (1. Juli 2016) Sprache: Englisch; ISBN-10: 1119068770 .
Mindful Leadership For Dummies Resource Center - dummies ~ Mindful Leadership For Dummies Resource Center. This audio resource center is an interactive addition to Mindful Leadership For Dummies with bonus material created to help you better understand the concepts and techniques from the book. You can navigate to your desired audio track by selecting individual tracks in the content menu. Please note that the audio tracks do not feature any video, so .
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Mindful Leadership For Dummies Cheat Sheet - dummies ~ Mindful Leadership For Dummies Cheat Sheet; Cheat Sheet. Mindful Leadership For Dummies Cheat Sheet . By Juliet Adams . Research indicates that mindfulness can improve leadership productivity, creativity and capability. It encourages you to take better care of yourself, balancing must-do work activities with things that invigorate and nourish you at a deep level and increasing balance .
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Ähnliche Autoren zum Folgen - : Günstige Preise ~ It explains how mindfulness can help employers wishing to implement mindful practices into the workplace, and provides leaders and mentors within an organization with the tools they need to become more effective leaders and coaches. The audio download contains guided mindfulness exercises and meditations suited to workplace scenarios, a core feature of mindfulness programmes.