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    Technical Analysis and Chart Interpretations: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Established Trading Tactics for Ultimate Profit (Wiley Trading) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Technical Analysis and Chart Interpretations: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Established Trading Tactics for Ultimate Profit (Wiley Trading) (English Edition). Ed Ponsi's straightforward guide to understanding technical analysis Technical Analysis and Chart Interpretations delivers simple explanations and easy-to-understand techniques that demystify the technical analysis process. In his usual straightforward style, bestselling author Ed Ponsi guides you through the twists and turns to show you what really matters when it comes to making money. Whether you trade stocks, currencies, or commodities, you'll develop invaluable skills as you master difficult concepts and the tools of the trade. Technical analysis translates to any form of trading, and this book delivers clear, jargon-free guidance toward interpreting the various charts you'll see in the field. Technical analysis can be confusing. Volatility, cycles, Elliot waves, Fibonacci, trends—it's easy to get lost, and most of the available literature is incomprehensible to all but the experts. This book is different—it's technical analysis for the rest of us. You'll see through the language to understand the underlying concepts, and how to apply them correctly. Learn what true technical analysis entails Discover the tools that simplify accurate analysis Master the tactics and strategies used by the pros Develop a valuable trading skill that transcends markets Simply recognizing the vocabulary isn't nearly enough, and a passing acquaintance with the topic is guaranteed to do more harm than good. When technical analysis methods are used incorrectly, they are ineffective at best, and actively destructive to your bottom line at worst. Technical Analysis and Chart Interpretations cuts through the confusion to give you a firm understanding and the skills to apply it correctly.

    Buch Technical Analysis and Chart Interpretations: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Established Trading Tactics for Ultimate Profit (Wiley Trading) (English Edition) PDF ePub

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