Beschreibung The Smart Money Woman (English Edition). Meet Zuri. She’s living a fabulous life. Great car, gorgeous apartment, well paid job. Meet Zuri. Broken down car, an apartment she cant afford, a job she’s about to lose. What’s a broke girl to do?With her best friends Tami (the flighty fashion designer), Lara (the tough oil and gas executive), Adesuwa (the conservative lawyer), and Ladun (the fabulous housewife), Zuri grows a little, learns a lot and navigates her way to making better financial decisions and building wealth. This book tackles, debt, spending, the consumerist culture of the African middle class, the fear and misconceptions surrounding money and the lack of it, love, friendships, cultural and societal pressures and the roles they play in success. With each chapter comes a Smart Money Lesson, there to help you work your way up the financial ladder.
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The Smart Money Woman by Arese Ugwu - Goodreads ~ The Smart Money Woman is the story of Zuri, a gifted woman working in the investment sector going through times of financial hardship only because she was unable to plan her budget and balance her The Smart Money Woman is the story of Zuri, a gifted woman working in the investment sector going through times of financial hardship only because she was unable to plan her budget and balance her .
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BOOK REVIEW: THE SMART MONEY WOMAN BY ARESE UGWU â Uduak ~ The Smart Money Woman is a 210 paged book which focuses on guiding African women to gain financial freedom and independence. The author, Arese Ugwu uses the art of storytelling to captivate and enlighten the minds of her readers. The book has 12 chapters and each chapter ends with some smart money lessons and some practical exercises to help you practice what you have read and learnt in that chapter.
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The Smart Money Woman(pdf) - WordPress ~ âThe Smart Money Womanâ is a charming piece of work that will educate those that care to take concrete steps to change their financial lives. This book offers the unique combination of a light-hearted fictional novel in Areseâs compelling and engaging style, filled with familiar, vivid characters, accompanied by serious underlying Smart Money Lessonsâa beginnerâs guide to managing her personal financeâŠâThe Smart Money Womanâ is a charming piece of work that will educate those .
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