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    Optimism over Despair: On Capitalism, Empire, and Social Change (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Optimism over Despair: On Capitalism, Empire, and Social Change (English Edition). “From meditations on human nature to strategic advice for the Trump era, Chomsky remains the thinker who shaped a generation, a beacon of hope” (Sarah Jaffe, host of Belabored)   This volume offers readers a concise and accessible introduction to the ideas of Noam Chomsky, described by the New York Time  as “arguably the most important intellectual alive.”   In these recent, wide-ranging interviews, conducted for Truthout by C. J. Polychroniou, Chomsky discusses his views on the “war on terror” and the rise of neoliberalism, the refugee crisis and cracks in the European Union, prospects for a just peace in Israel/Palestine, the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, the dysfunctional US electoral system, the grave danger posed to humanity by the climate crisis, and the hopes, prospects, and challenges of building a movement for radical change.   “A must read in these troubling times . . . This is an excellent collection of interviews that highlights Chomsky’s encyclopedic knowledge of the key issues of our day and his unwavering criticism of the regime of the global 1%.” —Deepa Kumar, author of Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire   “In this brilliant series of recent and wide-ranging interviews, Noam Chomsky combines an astounding breadth of knowledge, great depth of insight, clarity in explaining his ideas, and a relentless commitment to social and economic justice. The full package is simply exhilarating, especially in our current dismal era of Donald Trump. Optimism over Despair is a book to devour.” —Robert Pollin, distinguished professor of Economics and codirector of the Political Economy Research Institute   “Especially valuable in helping us navigate the dreadful challenges of the Trumpian era.” —Michael Klare, defense correspondent for The Nation

    Buch Optimism over Despair: On Capitalism, Empire, and Social Change (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Optimism over Despair: On Capitalism, Empire, and Social ~ Optimism over Despair: On Capitalism, Empire, and Social Change - Kindle edition by Chomsky, Noam, Polychroniou, C. J.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Optimism over Despair: On Capitalism, Empire, and Social Change.

    Optimism over Despair: On Capitalism, Empire, and Social ~ Optimism over Despair: On Capitalism, Empire, and Social Change / Chomsky, Noam, Polychroniou, C.J. / ISBN: 9781608467990 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit .

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    Optimism over Despair: On Capitalism, Empire, and Social ~ In Optimism Over Despair, Noam Chomsky insightfully describes the state of the planet. He shows how we got here, explains the motivations of those on the world stage, as well as those behind the scenes, and carefully articulates why and how resistance can be the source of a fundamental and lasting change. 'We have two choices. We can be .

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    chomsky : Books & Book Excerpts ~ Optimism over Despair: On Capitalism, Empire, and Social Change. Wide-ranging interviews on war, power, and politics with Noam Chomsky, the world’s leading critic of US foreign policy. This volume offers readers a concise and accessible introduction to the ideas of Noam Chomsky, described by the New York Times as “arguably the most important intellectual alive.” In these recent, wide .

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