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    The Part-Time Entrepreneur: Build a Successful Side Business While Working a Full-Time Job (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Part-Time Entrepreneur: Build a Successful Side Business While Working a Full-Time Job (English Edition). How do you find the time to run a part-time business? How to generate good ideas that will help you succeed. What to do whenyou start to make money. What do you do when you aren't making money. Should you do it alone or should you find a partner? How do you handle the stress? How do you make the most of your time? How do you become the best entrepreneur you could be while still working a full-time job?This book will show you all of that is and more. Part-time entrepreneurship is where it starts. If you can learn to manage business fully part-time, you are setting yourself up to have more freedom than even full-time entrepreneurs have. You will be able to have the freedom to decide whether you want to keep your part-time business running for part-time income. Or if you want to leave your full-time job, run your business, and live your dreams. This book is also for individuals who are running a part-time business but want to take that business to the next level. Maybe there is are time restraints, lack of funding, lack of resources, or lack of experience. This book will show you how to get all of those things and more.

    Buch The Part-Time Entrepreneur: Build a Successful Side Business While Working a Full-Time Job (English Edition) PDF ePub

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