Beschreibung Clean Protein: The Revolution that Will Reshape Your Body, Boost Your Energy-and Save Our Planet (English Edition). Join the Clean Protein revolution and lose weight, feel stronger, and live longer. Food and wellness experts Kathy Freston and Bruce Friedrich have spent years researching the future of protein. They've talked to the food pioneers and the nutrition scientists, and now they've distilled what they've learned into a strength-building plan poised to reshape your body and change your world. Complete with delicious recipes and a detailed guide to food planning, Clean Protein explains everything you need to know in order to get lean, gain energy, and stay mentally sharp. You'll finally understand in simple terms why protein is essential, how much you should get, and where to find the best sources of it.Clean Protein is a powerful solution to excess weight and chronic health issues, and it's a cultural revolution that will be talked about for decades.
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