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    Money: Know More, Make More, Give More.

    Beschreibung Money: Know More, Make More, Give More.. Contains over five hours of additional content exclusive to the audiobook. Money is a game you can win. First, understand the rules. True financial independence provides the opportunity to use money the way you'd like, look after your family and plan for your future. This book explains how money works, how to understand it better and how to protect it once your bank balance starts growing. Providing a fascinating overview of the complex ways in which money impacts the world along with simple, implementable systems for earning more, investing wisely and saving better, this remarkable audiobook, by self-made millionaire and best-selling author Rob Moore, will show you how to make money and make your money work for you. If you're not where you want to be in your life, then it's time to close the gap between the money you earn and the lifestyle you want - and get on track to creating the success you deserve. Do you want to get to the stage - soon - where you are truly financially independent, able to use your money in the way you'd like and completely confident in your ability to take care of yourself and your family? That is a universal desire, but many of us regard wealth and financial independence as a goal which we'll likely never achieve - there are just too many bills that need paying, and there is a widespread belief that the money game is rigged. Even people who win the lottery or inherit money often seem to wind up losing it. The evidence suggests you can't win a game that you don't understand - even if you start out winning - because you never understood the game in the first place. So how can you win with money? How can you create independent wealth and hold on to it? This inspiring audiobook by self-made multimillionaire Rob Moore explains the rules of the game, shares simple tricks for managing money better, details how to create a plan for an ambitious future and shows you the very best way to become a millionaire - to think and behave like one!

    Buch Money: Know More, Make More, Give More. PDF ePub

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