Beschreibung The Science of Intelligent Achievement: How Smart People Focus, Create and Grow Their Way to Success (English Edition). Smart strategies for pragmatic, science-based growth and sustainable achievement. The Science of Intelligent Achievement teaches you the scientific process of finding success through your most valuable assets: · Selective focus – how selective are you with who and what you let into your life? · Creative ownership – how dependent are you on others for your happiness and success? · Pragmatic growth – how consistently and practically are you growing daily? First, this book will show you how to develop your focus by being very selective with where you spend your mental energy. If you've failed to reach an important goal because you were distracted, misinformed, or overcommitted, then you know the role focus and selectivity play in achievement. Second, you will learn how to stop allowing your happiness and success to be dependent on other people and instead, start taking ownership over your life through creative work. Finally, you will learn the art of changing your life through pragmatic decisions and actions. Self-improvement is not the result of dramatic changes. Instead, science has shown that personal and professional change is initiated and sustained by consistent, practical changes. To grow, you must leverage the power of micro-decisions, personality responsibility, and mini-habits. Your own biology will not let you improve your life in any other way. What do you currently value? What are working to attain? Have you been taught to value your job title or your relationship with some other person above all else? Have you been convinced that the most valuable things in life are your paycheck, the number of people who say 'hello' to you at the office, and the number of people who say 'I need you' at home? Or, have you become so passive in what you value that you let anyone and anything into your life, as long as whatever you let in allows you to stay disconnected from the cold hard truth that when things really go wrong in your life, the only person who will be able to fix it and the only person will be responsible for it is you. If so…welcome to fake success. Passivity, dependence, and the sacrifice of practical thinking and personal responsibility to fuzzy, grandiose ideals and temporary feelings — these are markers of fake success. Intelligent Achievement, on the other hand, is not a moving target. It's not empty either. Instead, it's sturdy, full, and immovable. It's not something that's just handed to you. It's not something you're nudged to chase or coerced into wanting. Intelligent Achievement comes from within you. It's a collection of values that are aligned with who you are—values you have to protect and nurture. These values do not increase your dependence on other people and things. Instead, they relieve you of dependence. This kind of achievement is something that you have a part in building from the ground up—you know what's in it—you chose it, someone else didn't choose it for you. Achieving real success means you must focus, create, and grow daily. The Science of Intelligent Achievement will show you how.
Wiley / Scribd ~ The Science of Intelligent Achievement: How Smart People Focus, Create and Grow Their Way to Success. Author Isaiah Hankel. Getting Your First Job For Dummies. Author Roberto Angulo. The Power of Connection: How to Become a Master Communicator in Your Workplace, Your Head Space and at Your Place. Author Rik Rushton. Smart Girls Screw Up Too: The No-Nonsense Guide to Creating The Life You Want .
The History of Artificial Intelligence - Science in the News ~ A speed of the actions, performed by this kind of AI, is the same as the human brain, but the quality of tasks is much higher. It can be compared to the fact of how people are higher by their intelligence from the animals. Both are smart, by it is clear who is able to do more, in the shortest period of time, and with higher quality, in the result.
What Makes Kids Intelligent? - WebMD ~ Raising an intelligent child depends on their ability to process information, which promotes learning, understanding, reasoning and problem-solving.
5 Ways To Develop Your Emotional Intelligence ~ 2. Be mindful of your vocabulary. Focus on becoming a stronger communicator in the workplace.Emotionally intelligent people tend to use more specific words that can help communicate deficiencies .
5 Ways To Encourage Smart Risk Taking / Inc ~ We need to create a safe environment for risk-taking; this means not punishing people who take smart acceptable risks and fail but supporting them, helping them learn from their mistakes and then .
Students focus too much on grades to the detriment of ~ When their grades exceed their effort, they feel smart, and the wider the gap, the smarter they feel. But when their effort exceeds their grades, which can happen as they transition from high school to college, they feel dumb, and the wider this new gap the dumber they feel. This inverse relationship creates an inherent motivation to minimize effort, whether or not they’re succeeding. If .
10 Phrases You Should Start Saying More Often at Work ~ Lead 10 Phrases You Should Start Saying More Often at Work If your ego doesn't get in the way, any one of these 10 phrases is a great way to build trust at work.
15 Highly Successful People Who Failed On Their Way To Success ~ People with high levels of mental toughness can push beyond these obstacles and forge a path towards success, while those with lower levels of mental toughness may abandon their dreams. The good news is that no matter who you are, what you’ve been told, or what you currently believe, you can develop the mental toughness you need to be successful.
The unsexy truth about dopamine / Neuroscience / The Guardian ~ This works well when success depends on skill but falsely compels us in games of chance. Addictive drugs alter this motivational system but, crucially, this is not the same as their pleasurable .
BBC Science Focus Magazine - science, nature, technology ~ Get the latest science news, future tech, and wonders of the natural world from the UK's no.1 science and technology monthly magazine (formerly BBC Focus).
Technology and mobility: Innovations that move people. - BMW ~ Ever since the company was founded, innovation has been one of the main success factors for the BMW Group. In the field of technologies and mobility, in particular, they are able to realise their full potential and show how they can contribute to mobility and progress in all different areas.
10 SMART Goals Examples for Small Businesses in 2020 ~ It’s very important to create and use SMART objectives because they provide a frame of reference for all involved. That way, at the end of the period being measured, your team can reassess whether or not it was truly “achievable.” 7. Improve Automation Workflow by 20% Within Six Months. If you remain in business long enough, you will eventually engage in a large information technology .
Focus Quotes (1340 quotes) - Goodreads ~ 1340 quotes have been tagged as focus: Roy T. Bennett: ‘It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and tran.
8 Steps for an Effective Change Management Process ~ The methods advocate transparency and two-way communication structures that provide avenues to vent frustrations, applaud what is working, and seamlessly change what doesn't work. 6. Monitor and Manage Resistance, Dependencies, and Budgeting Risks Resistance is a very normal part of change management, but it can threaten the success of a project. Most resistance occurs due to a fear of the .
Digitization, digitalization and digital transformation ~ Digitization is used in several meanings as said but for us it has two meanings which are closely related with each other. For starters, digitization is creating a digital (bits and bytes) version of analog/physical things such as paper documents, microfilm images, photographs, sounds and more. As the people of the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre tweeted us, there is, for instance .
Do ACT and SAT scores really matter? New study says they ~ Teens across the U.S. are standing by their mailboxes, waiting anxiously for the envelopes that will seal their academic fate. It’s college admissions season and for many students a lot hinges .
Smart Buildings / Building technology / Siemens Global ~ Smart building interact with the people, systems and external elements around them. They learn from past experiences and real-time inputs. They adapt to the needs of the people and the businesses within them by increasing comfort, efficiency, resiliency and safety. And today there is a new need: to protect people from COVID-19. When we use technology to support the people in buildings, we .
Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ ~ I like the way the book lined nature (creation, humanity) with science. It attest to the truth already known. Love is the way! Understanding is key! Advanced English grammar. Highly descriptive and provide answers for high temperaments and how to positively explain to yourself to avoid a misunderstanding leading to anger.
Intelligence in children: Can we make our kids smarter? ~ People who are convinced that intelligence is a fixed, unchanging trait are less likely to learn from their mistakes and less likely to succeed in school. Moreover, experiments suggest that your child's awareness of social stereotypes about intelligence and achievement (e.g., "girls have stronger language skills," or "Asian kids are math prodigies") can undermine his academic performance.
The Internet of Things with SAP / openSAP ~ The course will focus on smart connected operations to create products and services that improve business outcomes from connected things. Self-paced Language: English Subtitles (machine-translated): Deutsch, Français, Español. Enroll me for this course Reactivate for Record of Achievement. Course information. Course Summary. Since our first course, Imagine IoT in 2016, the Internet of Things .
4 Key Responsibilities of Outstanding Product Managers ~ As I’ve stated previously, one key trait of successful product managers is their ability to answer “why” to the many questions they must field from stakeholders throughout their organizations. One of the most effective ways to answer why is with evidence. It’s much more compelling than your opinion — or anyone else’s.
Focus Synonyms, Focus Antonyms / Thesaurus ~ Another word for focus. Find more ways to say focus, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Fury at DNA pioneer's theory: Africans are less ~ News > Science Fury at DNA pioneer's theory: Africans are less intelligent than Westerners Celebrated scientist attacked for race comments: "All our social policies are based on the fact that .
Motivation: A literature review - Pearson Assessments ~ autonomy or control over their own learning by allowing them to make choices and use collaborative or cooperative learning approaches. In addition, teachers should create a supportive classroom environment with respect to goal structures, attributions, and external evaluation. There are several challenges to assessing motivation, especially in children. Recommendations for eliciting evidence .