Beschreibung Navigating Your Way to Startup Success (English Edition). Startups, like sailing vessels, do not travel in straight lines. The wind and the waves of the real world move the ship, and your startup, in unpredictable ways. This book is designed to give you an analytical set of tools to help you navigate your startup or corporate innovation through the murky waters of real life. Every business has failures. No business succeeds without some change of plan. Navigating Your Way to Startup Success will show you how to create a startup designed to test its assumptions so those that are not worthy fail—often and fast. This book builds on modern startup management techniques like Agile and Lean to bring an analytical and quantitative framework to the most common startup failures. Navigating through those failures means finding your way to startup success. Harlan T Beverly, PhD holds a BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering, an MBA from UT Austin, and a PhD in Business from Oklahoma State University. Harlan teaches entrepreneurship at the University of Texas at Austin. He is also Assistant Director of the Jon Brumley Texas Venture Labs at UT Austin, the world's first university business accelerator. Harlan has successfully launched five hardware and 15 software products including the Killer NIC, 2007 Network Product of the Year (CPU Magazine). He has raised over $30 million in venture financing in the challenging intersection of entertainment and technology.
Navigating Your Way to Startup Success: Beverly, Harlan T ~ Navigating Your Way to Start-up Success will show you how to create a start-up designed to test its assumptions so those that are not worthy fail-often and fast. This book builds on modern start-up management techniques like agile and lean to bring an analytical and quantitative framework to the most common start-up failures. Navigating through those failures means finding your way to start-up success. Harlan T Beverly, PhD holds a BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering, an MBA from UT .
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