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    The Handbook of ALM in Banking (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Handbook of ALM in Banking (English Edition). This new edition of The Handbook of ALM in Banking: Managing New Challenges for Interest Rates, Liquidity and the Balance Sheet provides a complete overview on good practices for asset and liability management in banking.Since the previous edition, considerable changes have taken place in the regulatory ALM space. Both for liquidity risk as well as for interest rate risk in the banking book, regulatory demands have substantially increased concerning governance, stress testing, risk appetite framework, behavioural modelling, and organisational questions. At this point in time banks are working to implement these new regulations.At the same time, stronger separation of retail banking activities from investment banking is being proposed. Consequently, there is greater focus on efficient allocation of financial resources and respective risk management. Asset and liability management and transfer pricing play a pivotal role in this context.This new and updated edition expands on the previous version to take in an overview of these new regulations and their implications for the ALM area. The two most important developments in the ALM space since the last edition are arguably IRRBB and negative interest rates - both of which are covered here. The low-interest environment also imposes additional challenges on banking book management.The Handbook of ALM in Banking (2nd edition) provides a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art asset and liability modelling, risk management techniques and transfer pricing. The book considers the aspects key to these issues: liquidity, funding, interest rates and balance sheet management. Thirteen new chapters have been added, with all others overhauled and revised.Edited by industry experts Andreas Bohn and Marije Elkenbracht-Huizing, this new edition of The Handbook of ALM in Banking brings together key contributions from those implementing new ALM frameworks in light of the latest developments.The Handbook of ALM in Banking provides a full overview of methods and methodologies being applied in cutting-edge ALM management. This book is a must-read for ALM managers, risk managers, balance sheet managers, accountants, treasurers.

    Buch The Handbook of ALM in Banking (English Edition) PDF ePub

    The Handbook of ALM in Banking Kindle Edition - ~ This new edition of The Handbook of ALM in Banking: Managing New Challenges for Interest Rates, Liquidity and the Balance Sheet provides a complete overview on good practices for asset and liability management in banking. Since the previous edition, considerable changes have taken place in the regulatory ALM space. Both for liquidity risk as well as for interest rate risk in the banking book, regulatory demands have substantially increased concerning governance, stress testing .

    The Handbook of ALM in Banking - Financial / Capital ~ The Handbook of ALM in Banking provides a complete overview on good practices for asset and liability management in banking. New regulations, which require a more consistent treatment of banking books and trading books as well as more aligned business strategies, call for the integrated management of assets and liabilities in banks.

    The Handbook of ALM in Banking: Interest Rates, Liquidity ~ The Handbook of ALM in Banking provides a complete overview on good practices for asset and liability management in banking. New regulations, which require a more consistent treatment of banking books and trading books as well as more aligned business strategies, call for the integrated management of assets and liabilities in banks.

    The Handbook of ALM in Banking, 2nd Edition: ~ The Handbook of ALM in Banking (2nd edition) provides a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art asset and liability modelling, risk management techniques and transfer pricing. The book considers the aspects key to these issues: liquidity, funding, interest rates and balance sheet management. Thirteen new chapters have been added, with all others overhauled and revised.

    The Handbook of ALM in Banking: Interest Rates, Liquidity ~ The Handbook of ALM in Banking provides a comprehensive overview about the latest issues in ALM management. It describes current trends in bank regulation, interest rate risk management, liquidty risk management, as well as balance sheet management. The strength of this volume is that it practioners contributed issues from their day-to-day work along with its solutions. This book should be on every treasurer's desk. Review by Christian Buschmann, 12/08/2014 --This text refers to the

    : The Handbook of ALM in Banking, 2nd Edition ~ The Handbook of ALM in Banking (2nd edition) provides a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art asset and liability modelling, risk management techniques and transfer pricing. The book considers the aspects key to these issues: liquidity, funding, interest rates and balance sheet management. Thirteen new chapters have been added, with all others overhauled and revised.

    The Handbook of ALM in Banking: Interest Rates, Liquidity ~ The Handbook of ALM in Banking provides a complete overview on good practices for asset and liability management in banking. New regulations, which require a more consistent treatment of banking books and trading books as well as more aligned business strategies, call for the integrated management of assets and liabilities in banks.

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