Beschreibung The Complete Penny Stock Course: Learn How To Generate Profits Consistently By Trading Penny Stocks (English Edition). You can learn trading penny stocks from the masses and become part of the 90% of traders who lose money in the stock market, or you can learn from the Best. The Complete Penny Stock Course is based on Timothy Sykes’, various training programs. His strategies have helped individuals like Tim Grittani, Michael Goode and Stephen Dux become millionaires within a couple of years.This course aims to teach you how to become a consistently profitable trader, by taking Tim’s profit-making strategies with penny stocks and presenting them in a well-structured learning format. You’ll start by getting acquainted with the concepts of market and trading psychology. Then you’ll get into the basics of day trading, how to manage your risk and the tools that will help you become profitable. Along the way, you’ll learn strategies and techniques to become consistent in your gains and develop your own trading techniques.What’s inside:- Managing expectations and understanding the market- Understanding the psychology of trading and how it affects you- Learning the basics of day trading- Learning the mechanics of trading penny stocks- Risk management and how to take safe positions- How to trade through advanced techniques- Developing your own profitable trading strategy- Real world examples and case studies No prior trading experience is required.
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