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    Energy in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities (SpringerBriefs in Energy) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Energy in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities (SpringerBriefs in Energy) (English Edition). This open access book presents a picture of the current energy challenges on the African continent (and the Sub-Saharan region in particular) and proposes pathways to an accelerated energy transition. Starting with an analysis of the status quo and the outlook for Africa’s energy demand and energy access, it provides an account of the available resources, including hydrocarbons and renewable energy resources, which are playing an increasingly crucial role. It then moves on to analyze the level of investment required to scale-up Africa’s energy systems, shedding light on the key barriers and elaborating on potential solutions. It also provides a suggestion for improving the effectiveness of EU–Africa cooperation. While mainly intended for policymakers and academics, this book also speaks to a broader audience interested in gaining an overview of the challenges and opportunities of the African energy sector today and in the future.

    Buch Energy in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities (SpringerBriefs in Energy) (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Renewable Energy Integration / ScienceDirect ~ Africa’s long-term economic growth and competitiveness fundamentally depend on reliable access to energy services; yet, the population of Sub-Saharan Africa lags far behind the rest of the world in terms of access to electricity. Recent technological advancements as well as significant drops in associated costs present the African continent with a momentous opportunity to leapfrog to modern .

    Global Energy Perspective 2019 / McKinsey ~ The Global Energy Perspective Reference Case provides our view on how the energy transition will unfold. The Global Energy Perspective Reference Case provides our view on how the energy transition will unfold. We use cookies essential for this site to function well. Please click "Accept" to help us improve its usefulness with additional cookies. Learn about our use of cookies, and .

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    IEA – International Energy Agency ~ Flagship report Reaching energy and climate goals demands a dramatic scaling up of clean energy technologies – starting now. A major effort to develop and deploy clean energy technologies worldwide is urgently needed to meet international energy and climate goals, particularly in order to reduce carbon emissions from areas beyond the power sector such as transport, buildings and industry

    NEPAD Home / AUDA-NEPAD ~ Agenda 2063 guides individual and collective actions for transforming Africa into a global powerhouse. The Agency, together with the African Union Commission, launched the first continental-level progress report on Agenda 2063 – a consolidation of progress reports from 31 out of 55 African countries. Explore the development priorities expressed by the countries.