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    Connect the Dots (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Connect the Dots (English Edition). Feeling guilty about not networking enough? Stop! You can learn how to network effectively without attending networking events, collecting business cards, or getting a lot of LinkedIn followers. How? By learning how to Connect the Dots.Written by Inga Carboni, Ph.D., Connect the Dots is a fun, fast-paced, and fact-based book for working professionals seeking to take the next step in their careers. The truth is that networking is not about managing impressions or projecting your personal brand. Effective networkers build, nurture, and leverage relationships, real relationships built on genuine connection. When done correctly, networking isn’t sleazy or manipulative. Instead, it’s empowering — for you, for all the people you know, and for all the people they know.Connect the Dots: How to Build, Nurture, and Leverage Your Network to Achieve Your Personal and Professional Goals offers a combination of personal stories, business anecdotes, self-assessments, exercises, and concrete guidelines grounded in the latest scientific research. Connect the Dots focuses on developing your personal power and leadership skills by creating effective networks and networking effectively. This book is designed to benefit everyone, from young professionals to senior managers to human resource professionals to C-suite executives.Unleash the power of your network by learning how to connect the dots to make your network work for you.Praise for Connect the Dots:"In Connect the Dots, Inga Carboni has accomplished an exceptional blend of findings housed in research with pragmatic insights that can be put into action immediately. The richness of her stories and examples will resonate with all as she makes the book a delight to read. Whether approaching the topic from a senior executive perspective with a focus on what should be done in your organization or from an individual standpoint in terms of actions you could personally take, Connect the Dots is one for the ages." ~ Rob Cross Edward A Madden Professor, Global Leadership, Babson College

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