Beschreibung Revolution: Ice Age Re-Entry (English Edition). FREE e-Book: Mitigating the Risks of a 21st Century Climate Switch to a Global Cooling Phase before Running Out of Proven Oil and Gas Reserves in the Cold and Famine-prone Decades ahead:There is an urgent need to prepare the world for a 21st-century climate switch to a cooling phase, and this current grand solar minimum is a prime time for that switch. The world will face natural climate change-related risks during the current grand solar minimum period—risks dismissed or ignored by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) because of its constraining UNFCCC Articles 1 and 2. Solar scientists expert in climate change are warning us of a 21st-century global cooling, but the IPCC process has dismissed their science and that of other climate sub-disciplines. Climate-forcing volcanism, Arctic glacier expansion, rapid climate change, and the climate- and volcanic-related catastrophes that occurred during the Little Ice Age are risks that were also dismissed by the IPCC. The World Health Organization also ensures humans are left fully vulnerable to major pandemic influenza threats (H5N1, H7N9, etc.) during this high-risk grand solar minimum period by promoting an obsolete global vaccine strategy (no prepandemic immunization), despite the lessons of the 2009 swine flu pandemic and the current COVID19 pandemic.Earth actually entered a new Ice Age after the Holocene Climate Optimum between 8 and 10.5 millennia ago, in the Arctic and the Antarctic respectively. Since the Holocene Climate Optimum, Greenland’s temperature declined by 4.9°C and the Antarctic temperature declined by 4.6°C to their lowest troughs in the early 1700s. These temperature declines represented 20% (Arctic) and 36% (Antarctic) of their interglacial temperature rise, in absolute terms. The subsequent 1700-2016 trough-to-peak temperature rise is the largest temperature increase in 8,000 years (Greenland). Glacier ice accumulation also started approximately 5,000 years ago, reaching its peak by the end of the Little Ice Age. However, since the mid-19th century, much of this non-Antarctic glacier ice melted as the sun entered an extreme grand solar maximum phase, with this melt-initiation preceding significant human activity. The IPCC and government narrative on anthropogenic global warming rely on global surface temperature indices that have been majorly fabricated by UK and US government agencies (MetOffice, NASA, NOAA), evidenced by subtracting the current from previous index versions. The world has cooled since early 2016.Section 3 of this book provides best-practice strategies for implementing decentralized sustainable development and switching the world’s energy system to renewable energy before running out of proven oil and gas reserves in the cold decades ahead. These strategies will be required to mitigate the yet unseen climate and resource supply-related risks that loom on the 21st-century horizon, and to protect against trade restrictions during crisis events and government-imposed lockdowns. This book is pitched at the levels of central governments, local governments, and FOR YOU AT HOME. This book is a must if you want to know the data-driven facts about natural climate change risks we will face in the years-decades ahead and the practical things you can do about it.
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