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    The Power of Passive Income: Make Your Money Work for You (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Power of Passive Income: Make Your Money Work for You (English Edition). CREATE A LONG-TERM, NO-FUSS, WEALTH-BUILDING PLAN THAT WILL GET YOU OUT OF AN OFFICE CUBICLE FOR GOODEntrepreneur Media has teamed up with Nightingale-Conant, the world leader in self-development, to show you how to escape the 9-to-5 rat race, harness the power of passive income, and earn a steady stream of cash while living your best life. Whether you want to escape your corporate life and start a side hustle, spend more time with your family while your real es-tate investment rakes in the cash, or build a financial nest egg for the future with a passive investment stream, The Power of Passive Income will get you started on your journey.You will learn how to:Assess your personal skills, resources, and lifestyleIdentify passive income and time-for-money modelsGet out of your debt hole and into your nest eggManage your income and expectations for successGenerate a six-figure income with the right strategy for your goalsRedefine wealth based on what matters to youFree yourself from the need to work for someone else—and make yourself rich instead. Maximize your income, minimize your stress level, and get the absolute most from every moment with The Power of Passive Income.

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