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    Business Mechanics & Mindset: How Your Thoughts Create or Sabotage Your Business Success (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Business Mechanics & Mindset: How Your Thoughts Create or Sabotage Your Business Success (English Edition). I started, grew and sold a multi-million-dollar business after 16-years of profitable growth. While this experience is generally classified as a business success, I could have done so much more with my business, if I chose to think differently. After selling my company and then resigning a highly-paid position in the company that acquired my company, I learned how to take control of my thoughts and emotions through the Core Energy Coaching principles taught to me by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). In Business Mechanics & Mindset, I lay out the mechanical components that you will need to run any business. These components include: operations, marketing, sales, employees, finance, growth and legacy. I then outline specifically how seven different ways of thinking can either move or limit your success as a business owner in these critical components of business success. In addition to understanding how to run your business better, I will show you how these very same principles can be applied to eight critical aspects of your personal life as well. After all, you're not growing a business to be captive to work, but to enjoy life. This section will help you understand how you can create the work/life balance you've always wanted. While this book is loaded with philosophical truths that will help you as a business owner, I don't leave you hanging with a bunch of theory. Instead, I help you apply all of these truths to your business and your personal life. I walk you through techniques that I use with my business owner clients to help them move from their limiting thoughts to confidence in their success. There is no book like Business Mechanics & Mindset on the market today. You can either find information on how to become more mindful and create positive thoughts; or you can find text books on how to run a business; but no book around combines these concepts like this one does.

    Buch Business Mechanics & Mindset: How Your Thoughts Create or Sabotage Your Business Success (English Edition) PDF ePub

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