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    SELL LIKE CRAZY: How to Get As Many Clients, Customers and Sales As You Can Possibly Handle (English Edition)

    Beschreibung SELL LIKE CRAZY: How to Get As Many Clients, Customers and Sales As You Can Possibly Handle (English Edition). In what some are calling the most controversial marketing book of the decade. Sell Like Crazy reveals an 8-phase selling system for generating absurd amounts of leads, sales and profit for any business in any marketing with digital marketing!If you’re tired of struggling to make online marketing work…Sick of throwing money down the drain with PPC advertising…Or just want to create a torrential downpour of hyper-profitable clients for your business…Then THIS will be the most exciting, life-changing book you will EVER read.Sabri Suby, (founder of King Kong, Australia’s fastest growing digital agency 2 years running) is finally revealing the exact system he’s used to go from $50 to over $10m in annual revenue…And deployed in over 167 niches to create more than $400m in sales for his clients – in just 4 years flat!FULL DISCLOSURE: This book is NOT for the faint of heart.If you want the same tired, outdated advice…Untested theories which sound good but don’t work in the real world…Or a book full of ‘warm and fuzzy’ stories which make you feel good…Then this book is NOT for you.However, if you want to FINALLY discover what’s working online…Get the battle-hardened tactics King Kong are using RIGHT NOW on the frontline…And elevate your business above the competition and CRUSH them into a fine powder…Then ‘Sell Like Crazy’ will change your business-life forever.Here’s just a taste of what Sabri reveals in this revolutionary book... • How to write Google AdWords or Facebook ads that practically FORCE your prospects to click them and buy! (Not one digital agency in a hundred even has a clue how to do this!)• Discover the #1 best way to grab any prospect by the jugular... and... drag him down into your sales message and practically force them to buy! (Phase 3: Capture leads and get contact details) • The breakthrough approach to generating itchy-to-buy leads in droves that create an avalanche of sales. It's like nothing you've ever seen before, and it positions you as a trusted authority almost instantly — (Phase 3: Create the perfect bait for your dream buyer )• How to uncover large new “starving crowds” of prospects who spend like sailors on leave (even when the economy is hurting and you’re far more expensive than the competition) (Phase 4: The Godfather Strategy) • The #1 biggest mistake made by marketers using Google AdWords! This mistake is costing you a small fortune in lost profits and market share (Phase 5: Traffic) • A buried case study on how one ad pulled in 3 MILLION LEADS (and how you can copy this strategy to create a stampede of new customers for your own business) (Phase 1: Understand and identify your dream buyer)• The three most powerful ways to influence your DREAM clients and establish yourself as the ONLY person they buy from (Phase 6: Magic Lantern Technique) • How to crawl inside the mind of your DREAM buyer, camp out there.... and get fresh, super-targeted marketing intel to pump up your offers on steroids and beat the pants off your competition! (Phase 1: Understand and identify your dream buyer)

    Buch SELL LIKE CRAZY: How to Get As Many Clients, Customers and Sales As You Can Possibly Handle (English Edition) PDF ePub

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