Beschreibung Anti-Sell: Marketing, Lead Generation & Networking Tips for Freelancers Who Hate Sales (English Edition). "Repeat after me: I. Hate. Sales."Sales is the bane of the freelancing life. As freelancers, all we want to do is crack on and do the work we enjoy doing (whatever that work/specialism may be), but in order to do that, we have to sell ourselves to people first....Ack.One of the biggest challenges that freelancers face is the sales process. Don't just take my word for it: various polls conducted in freelance communities show that "finding new leads/customers/clients" is what freelancers self-identify as their biggest weakness and the area of self-employment that they struggle with the most. We see it as an intimidating and overwhelming prospect, with many of us considering 'selling yourself' as a slimy, sleazy process. We have to go out to business events, hand out business cards and brag about ourselves to complete strangers, right? Wrong.Well, you can do that, sure. ...Or you can sell yourself in a way that really isn't sales-y at all.The best way to sell is not to sell. Let that sink in. The best way to sell is not to sell. It sounds completely and utterly counterintuitive, but it's the truth. Hence the name of this book: Anti-Sell. And in this book, I'll tell you how and why it works, and how to do it.Its chapters cover the following:There's a long list of sales, marketing, networking and lead generation tactics and tips, to give you an idea of some of the traditional ways – but also a number of alternative ways - to get your name and your face out there,How you can tie the sales process into your passions and your strengths - so that sales won't even feel like sales,Getting you thinking differently about the types of events/communities to go to and get involved with, resulting in potentially being the only [insert specialism here] person in the room, rather than spending your time networking alongside your competitors,How being visible, altruistic and contributory within communities is an incredible way to be recognised as the go-to person in your field,There's tips and advice on how to find 'good-fit' clients, as well as why honing in on a niche makes you a lot easier to refer,Plus it covers a whole bunch of other sales-related topics, such as testimonials, awards, how to handle 'freebie' requests, competing against agencies for work, and keeping your cool in stressful moments,Right at the end, there's a list of recommended books for further reading, to help you to take your non-sales-y sales tactics even further,Throughout the book there's also 'Anti-Sell Stories': 8 case studies contributed by real-life freelancers, each of whom details how they've fought the fight with sales (and won).An important note: I'm not a salesperson. I'm a freelancer, just like you. This book runs through my story, my journey and my tactics on how I've managed to win work without selling myself too much (or selling my soul too much, for that matter). So if you're a freelancer who hates the idea of sales and selling yourself, then hopefully this book will suit you and serve you well.Happy Anti-Selling, folks.
Anti-Sell: The Sales Book For People Who Hate Sales - Anti ~ Anti-Sell: Marketing, Lead Generation & Networking Tips for Freelancers Who Hate Sales is the multi-award-winning* sales guide for freelancers, small businesses owners and people in general who hate sales â whether thatâs the sales process in general, the idea of âselling yourself,â or finding new leads/clients. Its chapters cover the following: Thereâs a long list of sales .
âAnti-Sell: Marketing, Lead Generation and Networking Tips ~ Hence the name of this audiobook: Anti-Sell. And in this audiobook, I'll tell you how and why it works and how to do it. . There's a long list of sales, marketing, networking, and lead generation tactics and tips to give you an idea of some of the traditional ways - but also a number of alternative ways to get your name and your face out there How you can tie the sales process into your .
: Anti-Sell: Marketing, Lead Generation ~ Anti-Sell: Marketing, Lead Generation & Networking Tips for Freelancers Who Hate Sales - Kindle edition by Morgan, Steve. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Anti-Sell: Marketing, Lead Generation & Networking Tips for Freelancers Who Hate Sales.
ANTI-SELL: Marketing, Lead Generation & Networking Tips ~ ANTI-SELL: Marketing, Lead Generation & Networking Tips for Freelancers Who Hate Sales functions as a resource goldmine for anyone new to freelance life while providing a detailed guide on how to increase client numbers minus irritating sales tactics. ~Kent Page McGroarty for IndieReader Subscribe to our Newsletter. Email * Phone. This field is for validation purposes and should be left .
Anti-Sell! The Sales Blog For People Who Hate Sales - Anti ~ Self-published in March 2019, Anti-Sell: Marketing, Lead Generation & Networking Tips for Freelancers Who Hate Sales has helped hundreds of freelancers and would-be freelancers to improve their networking and sales skills in a non-salesy way. Itâs received absolutely glowing feedback (currently 4.8 out of 5 on UK, from 40+ reviews), and itâs also won multiple book awards (eLit Book .
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Was ist Lead-Marketing? / Content Marketing Glossar ~ Lead-Marketing oder Lead-Generation-Marketing beschreibt den Prozess, das Interesse potenzieller Kunden zu wecken und diese anschlieĂend in KĂ€ufer umzuwandeln. In der Regel geschieht dies ĂŒber verschiedene KanĂ€le des Online-Marketings. AusfĂŒhrliche ErklĂ€rung Das Marketing hat sich gewandelt. Kunden recherchieren heute online Informationen ĂŒber Unternehmen und Produkte, lange bevor sie .
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Anti-Sell: Marketing, Lead Generation & Networking Tips ~ Anti-Sell: Marketing, Lead Generation & Networking Tips for Freelancers Who Hate Sales eBook: Morgan, Steve: : Kindle Store
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