Beschreibung Non-Obvious Guide To Small Business Marketing: (Without A Big Budget) (Non-Obvious Guides) (English Edition). The small business marketing guidebook that's written like having coffee with an expert. Most business guidebooks treat you like a dummy or an idiot. Not this one. This is a short and easy-to-listen-to guidebook filled with useful, no bullshit, only-what-you-need-to-know, immediately actionable advice for marketing your business or startup. The book focuses on the most common small business marketing challenges, including: Why is setting a budget the worst way to start a marketing plan? How can you create unstoppable word-of-mouth for your business? Why is it a mistake to try and be on every social media platform? Within this audiobook, you'll get the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about how to promote your business like these. Along the way, you'll learn how to fit your entire marketing strategy on a single page, what it takes to create a tagline that people remember, how to buy advertising at a fraction of the "sticker price", why some customers remain loyal while others leave as soon as they get a better deal, and the number-one most important thing about branding that most small businesses forget. Inspired by real-life conversations and experiences with hundreds of small business owners and entrepreneurs, this is the rare guide that will skip all the useless definitions, avoid the fluff, and cut right to the point to give you the real-life advice you need to hear with an irreverent "non-obvious" perspective you deserve. This guide will give you the inspiration and tools to put together a winning marketing strategy to grow your business - no matter how much you know about marketing already.
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