Beschreibung Quantum Leadership: New Consciousness in Business (English Edition). In this new book, Frederick Chavalit Tsao and Chris Laszlo argue that current approaches to leadership fail to produce positive outcomes for either businesses or the communities they serve. Employee disengagement and customer fickleness remain high, resulting in a lack of creativity and collaboration at all levels of entrepreneurial activity. Investor demand for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) continues to be poorly integrated into profit strategies.Drawing on extensive research, this book shows how changing a person's consciousness is the most powerful lever for unlocking his or her leadership potential to create wealth and serve humankind. A wide range of practices of connectedness provide the keys. The journey to higher consciousness changes people at a deep intuitive level, combining embodied experience with analytic-cognitive skill development. Tsao and Laszlo show how leaders who pursue this journey are more likely to flourish with significant benefits to both business and society. These include greater creativity and collaboration along with an increased capability to inspire people and produce lasting change. Readers will come away with a deep understanding of quantum leadership and the day-to-day practices that can help them achieve greater effectiveness and wellbeing at work.
Quantum Leadership: New Consciousness in Business: Tsao ~ The authors offer a first-of-its kind leadership model grounded in developing the *consciousness* – not just the skills and business acumen – of leaders and their teams. This new-old conception of consciousness, what the authors term "consciousness of connectedness" - is consistent with the core lessons from many of the world's wisdom traditions. But embodying a consciousness of .
Quantum leadership : new consciousness in business (Book ~ Get this from a library! Quantum leadership : new consciousness in business. [Frederick Chavalit Tsao; Christopher Laszlo] -- In this new book, Frederick Chavalit Tsao and Chris Laszlo argue that current approaches to leadership fail to produce positive outcomes for either businesses or the communities they serve. Employee .
: Quantum Leadership: New Consciousness in ~ “Quantum leadership” is not a new term, but as presented in this book it is a revolutionary new paradigm that, if accepted by more and more people, could help alter the current trajectory of planetary crisis and species extinction. Key to this new paradigm is releasing the Cartesian paradigm of separation and separateness and reaching for the new Quantum paradigm of interconnectedness and .
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Quantum Leadership: New Consciousness in Business Audible ~ “Quantum leadership” is not a new term, but as presented in this book it is a revolutionary new paradigm that, if accepted by more and more people, could help alter the current trajectory of planetary crisis and species extinction. Key to this new paradigm is releasing the Cartesian paradigm of separation and separateness and reaching for the new Quantum paradigm of interconnectedness and .
: Customer reviews: Quantum Leadership: New ~ Their idea of Quantum leadership is that the business and its leadership need to take a quantum leap from being mostly external focused, to mostly internally driven from values of connectedness of the whole universe. The authors present Mindfulness as a primary way from the Eastern tradition to deepen one’s connected to consciousness. In the Appendix, they lay out a fairly comprehensive set .
The Quantum Leader: A Revolution in Business Thinking and ~ Drawing inspiration from quantum physics, innovative management thinker Danah Zohar offers a powerful new model for business thinking and practice. "Quantum leaders," she says, like the systems they have to manage, are poised at "the edge of chaos." They thrive on the potential latent in uncertainty and are adept at unleashing the creativity of .
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