Beschreibung The Networking Mentor: Whose Story Are You In? (English Edition). The Networking Mentor is a parable about the transformation of someone's life because another person took them under their wing and mentored them relating to the do's and don'ts of networking. It starts with a struggling business owner, Ken, who is invited to a BNI networking group by a business associate who proceeds to mentor Ken and help him learn how to network effectively and build a referral based business. Ken's mentor teaches him very specific strategies on how to network better and at the same time, the mentor improves his skillset as well. Each and every one of us has people in our lives who made a difference. We all have someone in our story who influenced the path we took—or perhaps motivated us to carve our own path. These are the mentors we’ve had in our life. Their impact can be life changing. We firmly believe in the power of mentors to make a positive difference in the lives of others. By devoting time and attention to a mentoring relationship, both parties reap deeply powerful and meaningful rewards that extend well beyond simple financial gain. As we mature and gain more experience, we have the opportunity to transition from mostly being a mentee to also being a mentor. This book is for both mentors and mentees. We’ve all had mentors who are in “our story.” When we talk about how our life has changed through our experiences with them, they are part of that story. However, there is something even more important: The real question is not who’s in our story but whose story are we in? Whose life have we made a difference in? That’s what creates a meaningful life, and that’s why this book is for both mentees and mentors. (This book is the second edition of a book originally titled: "I Love Networking." It has been expanded with additional chapters and graphics.)
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