Beschreibung The Accountants Millionaires' Club: How to build a highly profitable £1 million pound practice while working fewer hours with less stress (English Edition). “A comprehensive, straight-talking guide built on real world learnings from the industry’s most innovative firms.”Gary Turner, Co-founder Xero"The Accountants Millionaires’ Club is one of the most comprehensive, practical, step-by-step guides to growing an accountancy practice that I have seen.”Jennifer Warawa, Sage Executive Vice President - Partners, Accountants & Alliances“This is not just a truly brilliant book, it’s a must-have. It’s direct, it’s deep and it’s full of superb case stories that make it truly human too.”Paul Dunn, Co-Author of Firm of The Future“The book is literally jam-packed with practical and proven strategies that work – all backed up with clear examples. There’s no hype and hope here – so refreshing.” Mark Jenkins, Director, The Gap 2014 LtdThis book will give you the confidence, motivation, inspiration and all the information you will need to build a successful, highly profitable one million pound accountancy practice. This book explains how others did it, and how you can too.You’ll learn:Practical and proven strategies to scale up profitably and sustainably, including getting your clients to buy advisory services, whilst working fewer hours with less stressTried and tested ways to increase your cash flow and net profitability to over 40+%, whilst paying yourself a commercial salaryReliable and easy ways to attract your ideal clients who arrive pre-sold and happy to pay a premium fee for your servicesSimple processes to get your staff, even the saboteurs, to actively help you grow your firmHow to attract, develop and retain the right people for your practiceStep-by-step guidance on how to successfully implement a fee increase and get your clients onto monthly billing via direct debitVisit our website at
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