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    Habits: A Reality you can change (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Habits: A Reality you can change (English Edition). SPECIAL DISCOUNT PRIZE for you to make the most out of this Corona time where you will spend more time at home reading than usual Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult to not eat that chocolate, not smoke that cigarette, or just get up from your comfortable, cosy couch to go for a run? Well… I have. And though I strongly believe that we have the POWER to achieve GREATNESS, I know that, unfortunately, whenever we try to actualize our desire or to renounce a bad habit in order to develop a good one, our mentality quickly jumps into consideration of the things it requires, the gains and losses. And sometimes, this makes the journey a tough one because it brings a responsibility upon us, one that has to do with making decisions, learning, unlearning, self-control, work, and more….  Habits is just another word for our repeated behavioural patterns. They are automatic; already activated in a part of your brain system due to continuous and repeated actions. Subconsciousness and less premeditation take over when it comes to habits. Yet, the good news is – you are your own rescue! You can change and adapt your habits, creating an impact upon your life to make you a better person; to live the life you deserve and dream of. But… That change you desire is endangered. Bad habits are holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself. You know you are your rescue. You know the habits that are hindering you from getting the life you want and trying to change may have caused you some pain in the past. Nevertheless, since you are reading these lines, you are eager to make this change happen however hard. This Book, "Habits - A reality You can Change"  was written to make you be able to understand deeply why you are not higher than your present state, it will challenge you to take a better control of your life, give you standard values to push forward, reach farther heights, and become the best You. You are about to consciously work towards developing habits that will serve you – habits that make a strong positive impact on your health, wealth, and your successful life.  The same principles that I myself used to break forth from my bad habits are laid down for you in this book… because you deserve the life you are dreaming of, the freedom, the joy, the caring... Now grab a cup of coffee as you read, pay clear attention, breathe and enjoy yourself.

    Buch Habits: A Reality you can change (English Edition) PDF ePub

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