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    Mistakes: The Foundation of Your Small Business: A Small Business Pocket Guide (Small Business Pocket Guides Book 1) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Mistakes: The Foundation of Your Small Business: A Small Business Pocket Guide (Small Business Pocket Guides Book 1) (English Edition). After more than 5-years of recording The Small Business Show each week, we’ve learned a tremendous amount from our guests. These Small Business owners have fought in the trenches and found success by taking risks, making mistakes, iterating and trying again. On The Small Business Show, we think mistakes are tuition. They are the best teachers, with lessons we won’t soon forget, and they are often the foundation of our best practices. This Mistakes Small Business Pocket Guide lets you learn real-world mistakes and how experienced business owners have overcome them.We really do believe that mistakes are the foundation of successful Small Businesses. If you are ready to learn, our guests are ready to teach. Let's go!

    Buch Mistakes: The Foundation of Your Small Business: A Small Business Pocket Guide (Small Business Pocket Guides Book 1) (English Edition) PDF ePub

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