Beschreibung Discover your mystique edge to turbo charge your business and your career (English Edition). This is a book for entrepreneurs, professional service firms, etc. who require word-of-mouth marketing and referrals for their businesses to thrive. It will help them discover their own unique abilities and personal super-powers, which the author calls the Mystique Edge.A fantastic, empowering book for businessmen, life coaches, and owners of professional service firms like Architects, Doctors and Surgeons, HR and Recruitment Firm Owners, Marketing Agencies and Consultants and Financial Consultants.Because all these are service -level businesses powered by professional entrepreneurs who need to rise above the ordinary to win big time.Scores of Life Coaches have been able to use this book to deliver HUGE success. Discover:How to harness the sheer advantage of your personal PowerAccess personal goals and achieve greater wealth. Discover your Adversity Quotient and turn it into a Super PowerCreate your own story that can rev up your business, entrepreneurship and your careerEnhance your life with the weapon of positivity Delve deep into your subconscious mind and discover the deep edge that can propel you towards success. Unravel the secrets that will tell you how to win friends, discover influence, get business, and attract prosperity like a magnet.Don't let people or criticism demotivate you. Realize that you are unique. Discover inner strengths that will help you realize your fullest potentialA book that is ideal for students, especially now as the COVID-19 Pandamic rages on. In times of turbulence and uncertainty, this book delivers the magic potion of unraveling the strengths that lie deep within you.Mahua Gorthi - has played a pivotal role in BNI - the world's largest referral organization, and has launched several online BNI Chapters during the pandemic, setting up a world record. This book is an excellent primer for BNI businesses the world over as Discovering your Edge is a great way of giving and getting qualified business referrals. An amazing, empowering book for businessmen, life coaches and owners of professional service firms like Architects, Doctors and Surgeons, HR and Recruitment Firm Owners, Marketing Agencies and Consultants and Financial Consultants.Because all these are service -level businesses powered by professional entreppreneurs who need to rise above the ordinary to win big time.Scores of Life Coaches have been able to use this book to deliver HUGE success. Discover:How to harness the sheer advantage of your personal PowerAccess personal goals and achieve greater wealth. Discover your Adversity Quotient and turn it into a Super PowerCreate your own story that can revv up your business, entrepreneurship and your careerEnhance your life with the weapon of positivity Delve deep into your subsconscious mind and discover the deep edge that can propel you towards success. A book that is ideal for students especially now as the COVID-19 Pandamic rages on. In times of turbulence and uncertainty, this book delivers the magic potion of unravelling the strengths that lie deep within you.-Dr. Ivan Mahua Gorthi - has played a pivotal role in BNI - the World's largest referral organization and has launched several online BNI Chapters during the pandemic, setting up a world record. This book is a great primer for BNI businesses the world over as Discovering your Edge is a great way of giving and getting qualified business referrals.“Powerful. The concept of discovering your inner strength to harvest leads for your business. Highly recommended for professional service firms.”— Dr. Ivan Misner, founder of BNI & Asentiv“Subliminal methodology is Mahua Gorthi's forte and ‘Discover your Mystique Edge’ is her endeavor to reach out to all those who are in pursuit of claiming their power to create the success they aspire. She is captivating with a fluid style.” - Mike Macedonio co-founder AsentivVisit:
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