Beschreibung Building a restaurant brand: Foundations of restaurant marketing (English Edition). Branding is not a separate function, it is the reason and outcome of marketing and every restaurant needs to have processes of marketing in place to build a strong brand. This book will teach you how to follow processes to build your restaurant brand without pouring any money on brand consultants and advisors. Learn to bring out ways to grow your restaurant month over month by following actionable, branding and marketing strategies. This book will also teach you how to test the strategies if it fits your restaurant. the book will help you to use specific elements of marketing to create and follow processes that build your restaurant brand. Restaurants are unique businesses in the service industry and most marketing experts suggest solutions that are based on research and theories for all industries in general. This book will cut through the clutter and provide researched ways tailored only towards restaurant marketing and branding. As a restaurant owner, my restaurant grew way more when I learned what not to do and following the processes mentioned in this book clearly states to you what you have to eliminate or avoid to rescue your restaurant and turn it into a great restaurant brand. Every restaurant owner or the people wanting to open a restaurant who wish to get more customers and get them fast, this book will provide clear actionable ways to implement and watch your restaurant brand grow. The book does not contain wishful thinker quotes on how passionate you have to be about the food you make or the people you serve. About the author: I started my first cafe in Bangalore, India, back in 2017. This successful venture followed by a series of consulting projects in the industry brought me a wealth of experience in the field of hospitality, marketing and the F&B business sector as a whole. I have always believed in writing from first-hand experience I have gained and this book is only the beginning of my commitment to uplift millions of restaurant owners competing to feed people around the world. Now, I am continuing to help people in the industry on a global scale staying in Melbourne, Australia. I am working here to solve problems across cultural and product changes arising while brand building for the service and hospitality industry. Educating restaurant owners and enthusiasts of scaling restaurants and cafes by building a successful restaurant brand is my main agenda of this book.
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