Beschreibung Start Within: How to Sell Your Idea, Overcome Roadblocks, and Love Your Job (English Edition). Beware: This book removes all the reasons, excuses, and obstacles between you and launching your idea in your organization. Start Within is the essential guide for anyone who wants to innovate within their company, develop their ideas, take ownership of their work, and find real purpose in their career.Each chapter is packed with a one-two punch: it starts with stories from the trenches (from Amazon to the Department of Education, inspirational stories of what does, and doesn't work) and finishes with activities for the reader to roll up their sleeves and apply the lessons to their work.To launch an idea from within a larger company will be challenging, which is why the book outlines the steps and process to:Knowing when an idea is worth pursuingAligning to company's strategies and objectivesTurning a no into a yesPrototyping the idea in stagesStart Within is your playbook to guide you through the process of launching an idea within a company while avoiding the corporate obstacles that are holding you back. It's not good enough to stand on the sidelines and wait for a play to be called by leadership - now is the time to "start within".
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