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    Ageless Startup: Start a Business at Any Age (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Ageless Startup: Start a Business at Any Age (English Edition). It’s Not Hard. It’s Just New. There has never been a better time to start your own business, but taking that leap of faith can seem like a daunting risk rather than an exciting new venture. But here’s the truth: Your community needs you. The world needs you. You have time to make a difference, and you have the experience, resilience, and drive to make it. Written as your field guide to the rocky terrain of entrepreneurship, Ageless Startup is that bridge from employee to entrepreneur or empty-nester to business-owner. With award-winning entrepreneur Rick Terrien as your guide, kickstart your entrepreneurial journey with this book and you’ll learn to: Make a smooth transition from working for someone else to working for yourself Minimize your risk and maximize your value Set a pace that’s right for you and your business Find the customers that will keep coming back Create a business system that keeps you on track and comfortable Build your exit strategy into your launch Tackle obstacles with an open mind

    Buch Ageless Startup: Start a Business at Any Age (English Edition) PDF ePub

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