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    Tradingview Guide: Tutorial to save you a subscription (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Tradingview Guide: Tutorial to save you a subscription (English Edition). If you want to save a Tradingview subscription and chart an unlimited amount of indicators then keep readingYou are using the Tradingview Platform and are loving it!You have discovered some great features and have a trading strategy set in place. You use the indicators trends lines and much more, but now you’re stuck.Because you need to use more than the 3 indicators the free version offers and the alerts that are offered are too generic. By now you are doubting whether to upgrade to a subscription or not. How else could you get the features you need?Luckily there are ways to get all the features you want, while saving you at least a $14.95 monthly subscription.In the Tradingview Guide, you’ll discover:The basic Tradingview features that will contribute to your success as a traderMoney saving charting tips, to save you a monthly subscriptionHow to make changes to the look and feel of your indicators permanentHow to chart an unlimited amount of indicatorsHow to create custom indicatorsHow to create advanced alerts, so you can get notified when your trading set-ups occurs. Instead of spending all day in front of your computer screenAnd much more....As a free bonus you’ll get an “Appendix” chapter in which some of the most popular trading set-ups are made available for you to use. Are you also interested in creating your first trading bot with the help of Tradingview, and automate the strategies you learned? Then check out my second book "Automated Trading Masterclass: Create your first trading bot in 15 minutes" https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08HZ3NDWGSo if you don’t want to pay for a Tradingview subscription and want to chart an unlimited amount of indicators, then scroll up and click the “Buy now with 1-Click button” to get your book instantly.

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