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    The Book of Back-tests: Trading Objectively: Back-testing and demystifying trading strategies

    Beschreibung The Book of Back-tests: Trading Objectively: Back-testing and demystifying trading strategies. This book is aimed at presenting many different trading strategies and back-testing them. There is a variety of different strategies stemming from various fields such as technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and machine learning. Each strategy will have its main idea, the code required to build the strategy, and the back-testing results. Anyone from any level can benefit from this book as it deals with strategies in simple terms. What will the reader gain?You will learn how to code a wide array of strategies from different fields, understand how to back-test them, and how to properly evaluate their performance. This should help the reader find and optimize other strategies through the ones discovered here.What is the bias of this book?This book follows a neutral bias and only presents results from strategies with no concrete conclusion made on their effectiveness as we will only be testing a few assets over similar time frames and thus, no real interpretation can be made.What level of knowledge does the reader need to follow this book?A basic knowledge of trading and coding is helpful but not really needed. There will be an introductory python section to present the needed functions and syntaxes, there will also be sections where we explain exactly what we’re doing, so, even if the reader has no prior knowledge in trading and coding, she will quickly pick up the required knowledge.What types of strategies should the reader expect?From simple technical strategies to complex ones, we will try to back-test as many as we can. We will then do the same for some fundamental strategies on different asset classes. Next, we will back-test some machine learning strategies on currencies and stocks. Lastly, we will discover some pattern recognition trading strategies.

    Buch The Book of Back-tests: Trading Objectively: Back-testing and demystifying trading strategies PDF ePub

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