Beschreibung Entrepreneur to Market Creator (English Edition). The idea of entrepreneurship is to create markets for your offerings, be it a product or service.Why is this necessary? When you create products, you fulfil a need or gap in the market. But when you try to create markets, you go the extra mile; you think out-of-the-box; you create something that beats customer imagination.Henry Ford had said: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”Entrepreneur to Market Creator is an approach to think beyond and create markets for the future. YouTube, Facebook, Google, and Apple have created markets for themselves. Each of these are iconic case studies in themselves. In their case, the customer does not define its needs, but these organizations go far beyond and define the markets. These organizations do not belong to the markets, but the markets belong to them.This book takes off from where other books end. How do you build an ahead-of-the-curve organization which earns sustainable profits and continues to surprise its customers with a wow?Success or failure is the repetition of tasks and attitudes. People who follow the right direction, stay focused, and positive despite hurdles, make it. I firmly believe the practical insights outlined in the book will equip budding entrepreneurs to become Market Creators. They will step forward in turning innovative business ideas into scalable, self-sustainable, and profitable entities.
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Entrepreneurial Marketing: ebook jetzt bei Weltbild ~ Entrepreneurial businesses often create products and services based on radically new technology that have the power to change the marketplace. Existing market research data will be largely irrelevant in these cases, making sales and marketing of innovative new products especially challenging to entrepreneurs.
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Market Research: Wenzel, Anne ~ The Entrepreneur's Guide to Market Research is a must-have for anyone who wants to start or expand a business. This fact-filled, actionable book offers a step-by-step guide to researching and documenting the market potential of any product or service, something that is an essential―and too-often overlooked―part of constructing a workable business plan.
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