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    The Chinese Vortex: The Belt and Road Initiative and its Impact on the World

    Beschreibung The Chinese Vortex: The Belt and Road Initiative and its Impact on the World. China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is the most ambitious infrastructure project ever undertaken and will ultimately result in more than one trillion dollars of investment by the time it is finished. The Initiative is breathtaking in its scope and scale, with scores of countries participating and dozens of massive dams, railways, roads, and power projects transforming the landscape throughout the developing world. Only China is capable to undertaking such a bold Initiative. Beijing might have chosen to make unadulterated development as its core objective, issuing billions of dollars in grants to host governments to fund the projects and lending its substantial engineering and construction expertise to nations that desperately need to develop their infrastructure, seeking nothing in return. Instead, Beijing chose to lend the governments of these nations money it knew could not be repaid and use the BRI not only to project its soft and hard power and seek greater influence throughout the world, but to blatantly pursue the acquisition of natural resources.In the process, many BRI host nations have become indebted to Beijing, owing it tens of billions of dollars and falling into a debt trap. Beijing required that these governments agree to either cede control or outright ownership of these projects to the Chinese government, or its companies, when they inevitably defaulted. Some projects never stood a chance of operating profitably. Doing so has made these countries beholden to Beijing in a variety of ways.This book is an exploration of the profound impacts the BRI has had on nations around the world – both developing and developed – as well as on the Chinese government and its participating companies. Beijing failed to foresee the potential impacts of its approach on host nations – or perhaps it did not care. Now, there have been substantial negative reverberations, prompting Beijing to re-think it approach. Will Beijing approach the BRI differently in the future? Is it even capable of doing so?These are among the many questions addressed in this, Daniel Wagner’s third book on China. His first book on China – China Vision – delved into how Beijing is seeking create an alternative world order in China’s image. His second China book – The America-China Divide – analyzes the scope and scale of the fissure between the two countries, going well beyond the economic and political realms. In The Chinese Vortex, he takes a deep dive into the shockwaves that have been felt around the world as a result of the BRI, providing numerous examples that chronicle how damaging many of these projects have been to countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Daniel explores many of the economic, geopolitical, and environmental impacts, but also a host of additional topics that help the reader better understand what is really at stake. Among the many topics explored are how Beijing’s pursuit of a national digital currency may affect BRI nations and the world, why the BRI is losing its appeal, and what Beijing - and the world’s nations - must do to try to mitigate its negative impacts. It is an informative and eye-opening exposé that sheds light on Beijing’s brazen pursuit of influence, natural resources, and power through the BRI.

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    The Chinese Vortex: The Belt and Road Initiative and its ~ The Chinese Vortex: The Belt and Road Initiative and its Impact on the World - Kindle edition by Wagner, Daniel. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Chinese Vortex: The Belt and Road Initiative and its Impact on the World.

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    China’s Massive Belt and Road Initiative / Council on ~ China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), sometimes referred to as the New Silk Road, is one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects ever conceived. Launched in 2013 by President Xi Jinping .

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    beltAndRoad - State Council of the People's Republic of China ~ Belt and Road Initiative benefits world The Belt and Road Initiative is in China’s interest, and also in the interest of the rest of the world, according to experts. Dominique de Villepin, former French prime minister China’s plan to re-build the Silk Road is “a story that we can write together to be all winners of the new economic development”. PHOTOS. Photographers to pursue Silk .

    A Look Inside China's Belt And Road Forum For ~ Now, China, of course, describes these projects as benign, an effort to link up the world. It's good for China. It's good for other countries. Analysts see it as China's way to put extra Chinese .

    China’s Belt and Road: The new geopolitics of global ~ Brookings experts discuss China’s motivations for launching the Belt and Road Initiative, its track record to date, regional responses to it, the national security implications of BRI for the .

    Belt & Road: Opportunity & Risk - Baker McKenzie ~ China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) a á á 5 China-linked projects in leading BRI countries BRI must also be put in context. The initiative is not taking place in a vacuum, but is part of a larger and even more powerful dynamic: the rise of the modern Silk Road. The Silk Road region’s share of global GDP has risen steadily over the past two decades, with trade and investment between .

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    Coronavirus Outbreak Puts Belt And Road Projects On Hold ~ Belt And Road Impact. Since 2013, via the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the internationalization of Chinese companies and people have been in overdrive. With an entire network of proposed land .

    The One Belt, One Road Initiative - GTAP ~ The One Belt, One Road Initiative Impact on Trade and Growth James Villafuerte*, Erwin Corong**, and Juzhong Zhuang*** June 2016 *Economist, Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department (ERCD), Asian Development Bank (ADB) jamesvillafuerte@adb **Research Economist, Center for Global Trade Analysis (GTAP), Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University ***Deputy Chief .

    China encircles the world with One Belt, One Road strategy ~ China encircles the world with One Belt, One Road strategy. India looks for sound funding as it targets infrastructure . Landmark plan using Japanese tech gets wary response. China leads world on .

    Understanding China’s Belt and Road infrastructure ~ While seemingly aimed at regional economic corridors, the Belt and Road Initiative is in fact global and motivated by economic and strategic interests. In Africa, experiences with BRI are mixed.

    What is China’s belt and road initiative? - The Economist ~ The Belt and Road Forum (with its unfortunate acronym, BARF) is the second set-piece event this year at which Mr Xi will lay out China’s claim to global leadership. (The first was a speech .

    Examining the Debt Implications of the Belt and Road ~ China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) hopes to deliver trillions of dollars in infrastructure financing to Asia, Europe, and Africa. If the initiative follows Chinese practices to date for infrastructure financing, which often entail lending to sovereign borrowers, then BRI raises the risk of debt distress in some borrower countries. This paper assesses the likelihood of debt problems in .

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