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    Buffalo Hunting in Alabama: A Novel

    Beschreibung Buffalo Hunting in Alabama: A Novel. How far will states and communities go to attract mega-projects that offer thousands of good jobs and tens of millions in tax revenue? Ezra Drake finds out when he’s recruited to help Alabama lure a giant pharmaceutical plant to the state.Years ago, Ezra left Alabama for the Ivy League and then Germany. He’s now a fast-riser at Silverman Bach in New York. A turn of events puts him back in Alabama as part of an elite team that lures mega-projects to energize the economy. Mercedes-Benz, Airbus, and other mega-projects had transformed the state. Alabama wants more.Call it "buffalo hunting" or "smokestack chasing," Ezra’s team understands it’s all about recruiting companies and talent to successfully compete in the modern economy.Instead of firearms, Ezra’s team hunts with big data and persuasion. Competing against other cities and states is tough, but Ezra finds it even tougher battling forces that want to keep Alabama as it is and was, and not what it might become.Will Ezra and Alabama succeed in winning the pharma mega-project? Will Ezra find success, peace, and happiness in Alabama?

    Buch Buffalo Hunting in Alabama: A Novel PDF ePub

    Review: Buffalo Hunting in Alabama by Don Erwin ~ Buffalo Hunting in Alabama by Don Erwin is an action-packed thriller set in Birmingham and Alabama that also serves as a primer on economic development.

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