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    The SuperGlue to Sales: Implementing Sales Psychology to Close Clients Quicker (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The SuperGlue to Sales: Implementing Sales Psychology to Close Clients Quicker (English Edition). The SuperGlue to Sales is the definite guide to the human psychology that shows up along the way during the sales process. From learning the language of trust and building business relationships to understanding your potential clients internal buying motivators to emotional buying triggers, this book will take you through all the psychological aspects of selling including your own motivators to sell.Increase your productivity and shorten the time it takes to close new business by implementing and understanding that to buy is human and as a humans we are more emotionally motivated through our own psychological lenses than any tactic or strategy.The SuperGlue to Sales psychological principles work because it honors the essential humanness of your clients, potential clients, your team and the people who constitute your market. Everything else can change overnight but we still do business with people.

    Buch The SuperGlue to Sales: Implementing Sales Psychology to Close Clients Quicker (English Edition) PDF ePub

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