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    100 Mistakes I Made Bootstrapping my First SaaS Business to $500,000 in Annual Revenue: I made these mistakes, so you don't have to.

    Beschreibung 100 Mistakes I Made Bootstrapping my First SaaS Business to $500,000 in Annual Revenue: I made these mistakes, so you don't have to.. I didn't know "shit about fuck" (Ozark reference) when I started my first SaaS business in early 2016, but I was able to boot strap it and scale to $710,000 (as of October, 2020) in annual recurring revenue through pure grit and determination. I'm a non-technical founder living in Los Angeles and I crawled my way through to success. And you can too! In this eBook I walk you through the top 100 mistakes I made over the last 4-5 years, so you don't make the same mistakes. This book is set up in bite size lessons (my mistakes) spread out over 250+ pages. Each mistake is succinct and comes with an actionable step you need to take in order to avoid what I did. This is my manifesto and required reading for any founder that wants to avoid the pitfalls that nearly sunk my company. I'm not smarter than you. I just got lucky and solved each problem, one at a time.

    Buch 100 Mistakes I Made Bootstrapping my First SaaS Business to $500,000 in Annual Revenue: I made these mistakes, so you don't have to. PDF ePub

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