Beschreibung The Power of Sharing : Success Mantras that helped Century Seeds grow 600 times in 30 years (English Edition). The story of Century Seeds, tells you the step by step journey of an organization from conception to expansion; from innovation to the realization of a dream called success This is the story of power of sharing.Of a Company that grew 600 time in 30 years. Organizations like trees, if nurtured properly give us so much: shade (the shelter), flowers(all niceties) and fruit (the profits). In order to get the best out of them, understand the factors that are responsible for their healthy growth.Profits are outcome of excellence of product and services.It’s all about Leadership that stands for sincerity, honesty, integrity, commitment.Innovation is crucial for survival and growth of any organization.Recognizing the contributions of all the stakeholders not only by thanking them profusely, sharing your profits generously often does result in stronger organizations. An organization gets you numerous opportunities to grow horizontally and serve your community as well.Also, why is the job of a CEO amongst the toughest and loneliest in the world, and how can you survive all the stress and heartache involved?
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